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Our Story


The Inspiration for The Balmain Boat Company

In 1900, an American named Joshua Slocum was the first person to sail alone around the world. What he saw in Sydney is the inspiration for our boats. In his book, “Sailing Alone Around the World,” Slocum described a local boating culture where means and money were no factor in whether a person could take to the water of the most beautiful harbour in the world.

“Everybody owned a boat. If a boy in Australia has not the means to buy him a boat, he builds one, and it is usually one not to be ashamed of.” If you can hammer a nail, you can build a Balmain Boat.

To buy a Balmain Boat, click here.



All BBCo boats are manufactured in Australia and are made from 100 percent sustainable wood sources. We use wood that is tracked through chain of custody to ensure that all wood comes from legal and sustainable sources.


The Austral Plywood product range is certified for Chain of Custody under AS 4707:2006. The Austral Plywood Chain of Custody, linked to the Australian Forestry Standard (AFS), was awarded through an independently audited process carried out by the Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia (EWPAA) – accredited by JAS-ANZ.

Recognised as Australian Standards

The AFS certification scheme is the only Australian independent certification process that provides Australian Forest Management Certification (AS 4708) and Chain of Custody Certification (AS 4707). It is the only Chain of Custody Standard recognised as Australian Standards.

For more information, visit